From the very start of this album you know you're in for something special. The vibrance of the music gives you the feeling that you're at a live venue and when the band 'Come on stage' and instantly break into the crazy sounds of "Mental dentist " you're left feeling breathless after just one track! it's an instant hit that'll leave you in eager anticipation for what's to come. - Marc Duggan

1. Listen to the Words. 2. Rubber Man* 3. The Last Song of its Kind 4. Zeebra 5. You're Not Thinking 6. Haunter of the Darkness 7. She-Swing 8. Thank You 9. The Breaks 10. Magic Fingers 11. All it is**
Haunter of the darkness was inspired by the H.P.Lovecraft tale: Haunter of the Dark
All songs written by Richard Orange except * by Richard Orange/Robert Hall and
** by Richard Orange/John Bonar/Robert Hall/Kim Foreman
Zuider Zee: 1975

Coming in 2016
A new Zuider Zee release!

6 Track EP: 1. Long Distance Love 2. Supernatural 3. Fold Out Girl 4. Shoot out on Mars 5. There'll Never Be Another Night Like This 6. You Never Even Noticed Me

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Richard is a singer songwriter of immense talent whose roots began in the progressive rock of the 70's and continue to the present day. [Connect]